Thursday, May 20, 2010

Which degree would be best for career in renovation/conservation of historic buildings?!?

I would like to eventually have a career in the renovation %26amp; conservation of historic buildings but am at a loss when it comes to deciding which degree i should do. I have been looking at the possibility of doing a building surveying degree but was wondering whether there may be something a little more specific?! (or if there is somewhere that could be recommended to B.Surv.?!) I would like to do a Bachelor Degree as i would be going straight from further education and so foundation degree's, as i understand, would not be very appropriate.Would be really grateful if anyone could give me some recommendations/help/ advice!


Which degree would be best for career in renovation/conservation of historic buildings?!?
Historical Preservation

offered at : Savannah College of Art and Design
Reply:Degrees are odd things - they are taken to illustrate general rather than specific ability.

I have three sons:

1. Degree in History at Oxford now with a very good job in IT

2. Has a first degree in Management Studies and Personnel with a very well paid (£100000 +) in industry.

3. Excellent degree at Brunel in Engineering - now with a top job in Accountancy (following his Dad)

The answer to your question - seek the best qualification you can aspire to in any accepted subject - then apply for the job you really want - strange system, but it works.

Good Luck!!

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