Thursday, May 20, 2010

Survey: You know when you should move on from your job when?

A) Going to the toilet is the highlight of the day.

B) All day you dream about body slamming your boss onto a bed of broken glass.

C) You strongly start believing that joining Al-Qaeda would be a fun alternative...or at the very least a better career choice.

D) You look forward to hearing your nagging wife when you get home.

E) Other.......?

Survey: You know when you should move on from your job when?
When you call in "dead" because you've used up all your sick days.
Reply:I'm going to have to go with C seeing as how I am perfect and have never set foot in a bathroom, I am not the kind to hurt someone in that manner I'm more the silent kind that kills you in your sleep or poisons you, and I do not have a wife nor will I ever.
Reply:A, B, C, and D are great reasons.

As for E that would have to be evil, antisocial, narcissistic, sociopathic, psychopaths causing trouble for you and getting you in trouble.
Reply:You constantly find yourself counting the minutes until you get to go think about driving off a bridge on the way to work, just to get out of work...prostitution starts to look like a desirable profession to be in...
Reply:All of the above, but "walmart shoppers rock the mullet" definitely rocked it out!
Reply:All of the above plus you start interviewing assassins to kill your boss!
Reply:When the men in cheap suits and dark glasses start hanging around Accounting.
Reply:E) your boss rapes you during your break
Reply:when you get anal just cant see your @ss coming in to work anymore
Reply:The only reason you go is to piss everyone else off...x

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