Sunday, November 15, 2009

Why do men give top priorities to career but women to the family ?

Survey undertaken by researchers in the universities reveals that men wouldn't hesitate to postpone their family obligations for better career prospects but not women .

Why do men give top priorities to career but women to the family ?
Because men are made that way. But it is becoming more and more common for women to reach the top.
Reply:Men have to provide for their wife and kids....

Thats how it goes... this hasnt changed in 2007 either.
Reply:years of evolution, provider- hunter; gather- nurturer. That how it been so long it becomes part of the DNA....
Reply:Women are naturally more loving and caring making them choose family over their career. Men, on the other hand, are more about their career. and the money from that career keeps the family fed. A man that doesn't work won't eat, and that's how most men think.
Reply:people have got to have their priorities just women more than men
Reply:This is because traditionally in our society men always worked while women stay home and take care of the family. Even thought times have changed and more and more women receive opportunities to have careers rather than spend time raising families, a large part of the population still acts in the old way. Even thought they don't actually have to, many women still choose to stay home because that is the accepteded precedent for behavior.
Reply:To men, they feel that their life is complete when they have a good career. Which might in turn affects other factors.

To women, they will feel complete when they have a complete family (husband, kids)
Reply:Men feel they got to be bread winners n=and they have to do whatever to provide luxorious life for their family
Reply:becoz our custom is like that..right from the childhood boys are given toys like bike ,car,etc. %26amp; girls....dolls,kitchen set,coz its the mind set..they are teached like that..%26amp; also that they are men if they will not do anything then no girl will marry them %26amp; they are themain heads of the family...
Reply:because women have a heart and men don't

because men are selfish (only think about themselves

because men are all about meeeeeeeeeeeeeee meeee
Reply:Power control, and money, without the bacon to feed the family, there can be no family, then in this day and age i'd say the shoe has finnaly gotten to the other foot and sadly in some cases, the family and a career have to be top priority in a woman's life . . .
Reply:Because women know what is truly the end your family is all you have...that is why a traditional family works...each person takes care of an important part ( money and nurture) so that the family is fed and loved. Can't have one without the other. This is coming from a teacher. The healthiest and happiest children come from traditional my experience.

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