Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Controversial survey..Explain answers that are answered "no"?

Copy and paste survey, then answer.

Would you support (or be ok with) the following? (each question is its own and seperate from the rest)

If you say NO to anything, please say why.

Evolution taught in all public schools?

Creationism taught in all public schools?

Info about abortion (non bias) taught in health class?

A career day with reps from every military branch come to public schools? (Not recuiters, military members who will tell it like it is and not be a car salesman for the military)

Would you vote for....

A gay president?

An athiest president?

A female president?

A black president?

An Islamic president?

A president that went to court for murder, but didn't get convicted?

A president that was convicted of vehicular manslaughter?

A president that commited adultry?

A president that would ban abortion?

A president that would change welfare- only get paid for 1 kid(no more having more kids for more$) time limit, less $ overall?

Controversial survey..Explain answers that are answered "no"?
If you say NO to anything, please say why.

Evolution taught in all public schools? yes

Creationism taught in all public schools? No. Because it's not science. It's religion masked as sceince.

Info about abortion (non bias) taught in health class? yes

A career day with reps from every military branch come to public schools? (Not recuiters, military members who will tell it like it is and not be a car salesman for the military) No. (Currently we are at war. It is like recruiting for a very high risk job, liklihood of death isn't a nice thing to do to kids. If we weren't at war, I would reconsider. The fact that it's an unethical war makes my conviction here stronger)

Would you vote for....

A gay president? yes

An athiest president? yes

A female president? yes

A black president? yes

An Islamic president? yes

A president that went to court for murder, but didn't get convicted? yes

A president that was convicted of vehicular manslaughter? no. (depending on the circumstances but the manslaughter cases I have read about - and as I used to teach Civics there have been a LOT - I don't think that person has the moral character to lead.)

A president that commited adultry? yes.

A president that would ban abortion? no. (governments shouldn't own a womans body)

A president that would change welfare- only get paid for 1 kid(no more having more kids for more$) time limit, less $ overall? N/A - not enough information about this to be able to anwser
Reply:These are my personal answers...no certain religion here....just a Firm believer in God...I have no answers....they are all judgement calls....I believe in the good of all mankind...sorry dear....there's a few of your questions I could answer, but it would take too long.....
Reply:Evolution taught in all public schools? Yes, This is science

Creationism taught in all public schools? No, this is religion

Info about abortion (non bias) taught in health class? Yes, so that women will already know the possible consequences and what happens if they ever do so.

A career day with reps from every military branch come to public schools? (Not recuiters, military members who will tell it like it is and not be a car salesman for the military) No, I don't hink that kids need to know about the military at such a young age, especially when they are so vulneralbe.

Would you vote for....

A gay president? Definately. What makes them different from a straight person?

An athiest president? This person is still a normal human, Yes.

A female president? This person is still a normal human, Yes. In fact, I think a female president would be the better chioce at this stage.

A black president? This person is still a normal human, Yes.

An Islamic president? This person is still a normal human, Yes.

(Unless they were an extremist)

A president that went to court for murder, but didn't get convicted? Yes, but I wouldn't be too comfortable.

A president that was convicted of vehicular manslaughter? Yes, It sounds like it probably was an accident.

A president that commited adultry? Yeees,

A president that would ban abortion? No. No way in hell.

A president that would change welfare- only get paid for 1 kid(no more having more kids for more$) time limit, less $ overall? No, Single mothers do need that money.
Reply:I don't care what the president is as long as he/she isn't Islamic or banning abortion or a damn Republican that has no compassion for the poor. Keep military recruiters out of the schools. I don't think abortion should be taught in school. Other than that I would be happy if they taught kids to read, write and speak a proper sentence. This "me and my friend are going to... " is an indication of just how low our school system has fallen.
Reply:Evolution taught in all public schools? Yes

Creationism taught in all public schools? No (Has no science to support it)

Info about abortion (non bias) taught in health class? Yes

A career day with reps from every military branch come to public schools? (Not recuiters, military members who will tell it like it is and not be a car salesman for the military) Yes

Would you vote for....

A gay president? Yes

An athiest president? Yes

A female president? Yes

A black president? Yes

An Islamic president? Yes (I would also vote for a christian one)

A president that went to court for murder, but didn't get convicted? Yes

A president that was convicted of vehicular manslaughter? Need more information

A president that commited adultry? No maybe Yes (Issues of trust)

A president that would ban abortion? No (This is a personal choice not for presidents and law makers to decide)

A president that would change welfare- only get paid for 1 kid(no more having more kids for more$) time limit, less $ overall? HUH?
Reply:Evolution taught in all public schools?

No, Religion should not be taught.

Creationism taught in all public schools?

No, Religion should not be taught.

Info about abortion (non bias) taught in health class?


A career day with reps from every military branch come to public schools? (Not recuiters, military members who will tell it like it is and not be a car salesman for the military)


Would you vote for....

I am a non-voter (non-political).

A gay president?

An athiest president?

A female president?

A black president?

An Islamic president?

A president that went to court for murder, but didn't get convicted?

A president that was convicted of vehicular manslaughter?

A president that commited adultry?

A president that would ban abortion?

A president that would change welfare- only get paid for 1 kid(no more having more kids for more$) time limit, less $ overall?
Reply:Evolution taught in all public schools? Yes

Creationism taught in all public schools? Yes

Info about abortion (non bias) taught in health class? No.. I dont think it is possible to be non-bias.

A career day with reps from every military branch come to public schools? (Not recuiters, military members who will tell it like it is and not be a car salesman for the military) Yes

Would you vote for....

A gay president? Yes

An athiest president? Yes

A female president? Yes

A black president? Yes

An Islamic president? No... I dont believe they would be fair to Jews and Christians

A president that went to court for murder, but didn't get convicted? Yes

A president that was convicted of vehicular manslaughter? Yes

A president that commited adultry? Yes.. probably did already

A president that would ban abortion? Yes

A president that would change welfare- only get paid for 1 kid(no more having more kids for more$) time limit, less $ overall? Yes
Reply:Evolution taught in all public schools? Yes

Creationism taught in all public schools? No, it's not science.

Info about abortion (non bias) taught in health class? Yes.

A career day with reps from every military branch come to public schools? (Not recuiters, military members who will tell it like it is and not be a car salesman for the military) Yes.

Would you vote for....

A gay president? Yes

An athiest president? Yes

A female president? Yes

A black president? Yes

An Islamic president? Yes, any religion provided I was convinced he would keep his religion out of government.

A president that went to court for murder, but didn't get convicted? Possibly, depending on the circumstances

A president that was convicted of vehicular manslaughter? Possibly, depending on the circumstances.

A president that commited adultry? Yes

A president that would ban abortion? No - Abortion is not something that should be illegal. People will have them anyway, and will kill themselves in the process

A president that would change welfare- only get paid for 1 kid(no more having more kids for more$) time limit, less $ overall? Hmm. Not sure.
Reply:Evolution taught in all public schools? Definitely

Creationism taught in all public schools?No- not beneficial for children's education

Info about abortion (non bias) taught in health class?Yeah, why not?

A career day with reps from every military branch come to public schools? (Not recuiters, military members who will tell it like it is and not be a car salesman for the military) Ok, I guess

Would you vote for....

A gay president? If s/he is the best candidate

An athiest president? Again, if s/he is the best candidate

A female president? If she is the best candidate

A black president? If s/he is the best candidate

An Islamic president? Depends on his platform - if it is religious, then forget it! If he is truly concerned about the country's welfare, then yes, I would vote for him/her.

A president that went to court for murder, but didn't get convicted? If s/he is innocent...

A president that was convicted of vehicular manslaughter? Manslaughter is unintentional. So yes, if s/he is the best candidate

A president that committed adultery? A philandering president? Cool! Personal issues should not affect a person's chances in an election.

A president that would ban abortion? No.

A president that would change welfare- only get paid for 1 kid(no more having more kids for more$) time limit, less $ overall? No opinion
Reply:Evolution taught in all public schools? As a theory, yes OK, as long as its not taught as fact. In public school we were taught that the Big Bang theory was the be all and end all......of the beginning of course ;)!

Creationism taught in all public schools? Yes!! But if Im going to be fair, then I guess I have to say yes as one possibility.

Info about abortion (non bias) taught in health class? Absolutely. A heated debate will likely start but that's an excellent learning experience for the kids in many ways.

A career day with reps from every military branch come to public schools? (Not recuiters, military members who will tell it like it is and not be a car salesman for the military) Yes, thats a good idea.

Would you vote for....

A gay president? Yes.

An athiest president? No. This country was not founded on athiesm.

A female president? Yes.

A black president? Yes.

An Islamic president? No......and there's not enough room to explain why if you can't figure it out.

A president that went to court for murder, but didn't get convicted? Yes.

A president that was convicted of vehicular manslaughter? Yes, depending on what happened.

A president that commited adultry? Yes.......geez from what the media says they all do it don't they? None of our business.

A president that would ban abortion? Yes.

A president that would change welfare- only get paid for 1 kid(no more having more kids for more$) time limit, less $ overall? Yes.
Reply:Evolution taught in all public schools? I'D BE FINE WITH IT SO LONG AS IT IS NOT ABSOLUTELY REQUIRED


Info about abortion (non bias) taught in health class? SURE

A career day with reps from every military branch come to public schools? THATS FINE

Would you vote for....

A gay president? NO

An athiest president? NO

A female president? NO

A black president? NO

An Islamic president? NO

A president that went to court for murder, but didn't get convicted? NO

A president that was convicted of vehicular manslaughter? NO

A president that commited adultry? NO

A president that would ban abortion? NO

A president that would change welfare? NO

I don't vote anymore. I'm sick of politics.
Reply:Evolution taught in all public schools? Yes. It relates to Science

Creationism taught in all public schools? No, it relates to Religion.

Info about abortion (non bias) taught in health class? Yes, it is a legal alternative and education about it is necessary.

A career day with reps from every military branch come to public schools? (Not recuiters, military members who will tell it like it is and not be a car salesman for the military) Not sure. Tell what like it is? I don't see what this has to do with education.

Would you vote for....

A gay president? Yes

An athiest president? Yes

A female president? Yes

A black president? Yes

An Islamic president? I don't know enough about Islam to know how his/her beliefs would affect the way he/she governed.

A president that went to court for murder, but didn't get convicted? I would have to have been at the trial to decide for myself. If I thought he'd been framed, Yes.

A president that was convicted of vehicular manslaughter? Probably not but would need details.

A president that commited adultry? Yes

A president that would ban abortion? No. Not the place of government.

A president that would change welfare- only get paid for 1 kid(no more having more kids for more$) time limit, less $ overall? No. That's too "cut and dried". I think there should be some regulation but not a flat "1 kid only".
Reply:Evolution taught in all public schools?

Yes, there is enough acceptance in the scientific community, and there is bountiful evidence supporting it.

Creationism taught in all public schools?

No, the only source of evidence is an outdated book from a couple thousand years ago. Until more solid evidence can be provided, it should remain outside of formal schools. Also, what puts Creationism above the thousands of other religious theories? I'm particularly fond of the Norse theory with the dead wolf carcas. If Creationism is taugh, I demand that taught too.

Info about abortion (non bias) taught in health class?

Yes, no information should ever be withheld from anyone for any reason. People have the right to all knowledge, and should then create their own conclusions from that.

A career day with reps from every military branch come to public schools? (Not recuiters, military members who will tell it like it is and not be a car salesman for the military)

I wouldn't mind, but I don't think it would be a necessity.

Would you vote for....

A gay president?


An athiest president?


A female president?


A black president?


An Islamic president?


A president that went to court for murder, but didn't get convicted?

I would have to consider the circumstances for myself. Unlike the previous traits, this is a personal choice the canidate made, and should therefor influence my opinion.

A president that was convicted of vehicular manslaughter?

Again, the same as the previous.

A president that commited adultry?

See above

A president that would ban abortion?

Probably not. I believe the choice belongs to the mother. I can see that terminating an unborn fetus is a much better option than allowing it to be born into a poor or uncarring family where it will either starve to death or have a terrible life.

A president that would change welfare- only get paid for 1 kid(no more having more kids for more$) time limit, less $ overall?

I would have to research more into exactly what the options were. Welfare is in need of reform, but I probably would not support taking away aid from these families.
Reply:Evolution taught in all public schools? yes (along w/ creationism)

Creationism taught in all public schools? yes (along with evolution)

Info about abortion (non bias) taught in health class? Yes (it is legally an option, therefore should be presented)

A career day with reps from every military branch come to public schools? (Not recuiters, military members who will tell it like it is and not be a car salesman for the military) Yes

Would you vote for....

A gay president? Yes (if I agreed with them- same for rest)

An atheist president? Yes

A female president? Yes

A black president? Yes

An Islamic president? Yes (if it was not forced on anyone)

A president that went to court for murder, but didn't get convicted? No the chance is too great that he is a murderer

A president that was convicted of vehicular manslaughter? No, might not be very observant

A president that committed adultery? Yes, if I agreed with their views

A president that would ban abortion? NO every woman should be able to make that decision for their self

A president that would change welfare- only get paid for 1 kid(no more having more kids for more$) time limit, less $ overall? Yes, but there should be a few exceptions to this
Reply:Evolution taught in all public schools? Yes

Creationism taught in all public schools? Not in the science classroom; creation myths are ok in literature or world civilizations classes.

Info about abortion (non bias) taught in health class? Yes, along with responsible sex education about abstinence and contraception.

A career day with reps from every military branch come to public schools? (Not recuiters, military members who will tell it like it is and not be a car salesman for the military) Yes, sure, why not.

Would you vote for....

A gay president? Yes, if s/he were qualified and I agreed with the given platforms.

An athiest president? Yes (see above).

A female president? Yes (see above).

A black president? Yes (see above).

An Islamic president? Yes (see above).

A president that went to court for murder, but didn't get convicted? Yes, if s/he wasn't convicted, s/he is innocent.

A president that was convicted of vehicular manslaughter? It would depend on the circumstances surrounding the crime, I'm inclined to say no.

A president that commited adultry? It depends on the person; I'd need more information to make such a decision.

A president that would ban abortion? No; if a person is willing to revoke women's reproductive rights, who know what else may go down the toilet?

A president that would change welfare- only get paid for 1 kid(no more having more kids for more$) time limit, less $ overall? I'd vote for welfare reform, but not necessarily the welfare reform suggested here.

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