Sunday, November 15, 2009

Is it true that it's important to get a university degree in order to have a good career?

You hear it all the time, "In order to have a good career, you NEED a univeristy degree". But is this really true? Does anyone know of any surveys, or statistics that state whether or not ppl without university degrees go on to be quite successful? Or do university graduates tend to be much more successful?

Is it true that it's important to get a university degree in order to have a good career?
nope! you just have to have a great idea
Reply:Education is a good thing, but certainly not a necessity. I grew up believing that going to college was the only way to find a good job. I was 22 before I realized that was not what I wanted to do. I felt guilty for not making my parents dream come true. I'm a smart woman, lots of drive and creativity; with all of that going for me, a college degree was not necessay to jumpstart my life. I have been self employd since 1996 and I have never looked back. I own 2 separate businesses, commercial and residential real estate; I am doing well. Not to say I will never go back to school, but it will be on my own terms. I left college with an associates degree because I could not figure out what to persue. I realize now that a marketing degree would be something I am interested in; I racked my brain for an aswer like that back then.

Bottom line, discover and explore your passions; whatever they are. They will lead you to the road to success for your life and your life only. Good luck!!!
Reply:Well, put it like this...

In this day and age, employers like to see your experience in paper, you are competing against alot of other people for a high paying job...Employers are now opting more for employees with degrees... Now w/out its not a high likely chance, but it is possible. Experience + a degree??? Now consider yourself a very good candidate for a good job. I have a degree and I am making great money, I'm working on my masters right now, You might as well, what have you got to lose...Finish that degree, get in the competition, it's a mean world out there, and it's down to every man for himself....!
Reply:no that is not true. you can have someone with a high school education and they can start their own business and do better than someone with bachelors or a masters degree. Plus looking at the amount of school debt that people have to go into in order to get degrees, it is no longer worth it except for maybe job security depending on which field you go into., or income depending on what field you go into. But just having the degree is not enough.
Reply:It is absolutely possible to have a very successful career without a degree, but it's harder than getting a degree! The more education you have the more marketable you are, and the easier you will find success. It's not just a piece of paper, you actually learn stuff in the process of getting it. Learning stuff is good.
Reply:no, you can be successful with out a university degree, BUT it is better to have a university degree because there isnt a lot of opportunities for success without a university degree. Bill Gates, as you probably know, is very successful and he doesnt have a university degree (btw....he dropped out of Harvard...thats right. Harvard) however, Bill was lucky. When he dropped out, there was an opporunity waiting for him.

Most people dont have the opportunity that Bill Gates got, so they need a university degree to be successful. I think getting an university degree provides more job security and makes you look better.
Reply:well, it's not mandatory, but it makes things easier. I think you don't need a survey to figure out that on average, those with a degree make more money that those without.
Reply:no , i make over $200,000.00 with no degree
Reply:Not necessarily, and from the position of a CEO, I can definitively speak on this subject.

Now granted, higher education does have its place, but in the generalized workplace, I have seen four year graduates that sh*t from Shinola.

Common sense and the school of experience does have definite advantages as that which is derived is actual experience, not chapter after chapter of some professor attempting to share their views from the practical applications and experiences of another.

Professional occupations that are stringently regulated such as in the medical or dental field, teaching or even accounting, but to start, grow and run your own business, practical experience coupled with common sense usually is the best.
Reply:You dont need a university degree to be successful, but the odds that you are successful go up with a degree.

Bill Gates is a colllege drop out by the way.

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