Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Survey: If I was performing in the streetcorner .....?

... and I showed you my amazing dexterity by cleanly and thoroughly picking my nose with my toes, how much would you toss in my hat?

*This is an important survey and will be considered in my career change plans.

Survey: If I was performing in the streetcorner .....?
I think I would throw up afterwards........

But heck, I would feel better, so I would probably give you a twenty......
Reply:I'd give you my wallet for not only being able to do that, but for having the gonads to do it in public.
Reply:If you looked like your avatar I would not put any money into your hat. No matter HOW dexterous you are.
Reply:10 bucks!
Reply:Are you feeling ok?
Reply:I'd keep walking..

teeth bleaching

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