Sunday, May 3, 2009

Career Survey Question Thingyy?! help!?

Ok.. I'm in grade 10 right now and I have to choose my grade 11 classes next week.

I don't know what to do because I have nooooo idea what career I want to pursue. I like alot of different things but I don't want to settle for something when I'm fifteen.

My brother took a survey online to give him career options and my dad suggested I do the same, but none of us know the name of it.

There are probably a couple different ones, but I was wondering if anyone could give me the name of one that you know of or have found useful.


Career Survey Question Thingyy?! help!?
Here are some good ones that are on line.

Most schools use KUDER but they have to pay a fee each year and there is no way to get on the site unless you already have an ID and password set up.
Reply:I can't help you with this website you are looking for, but I would like to pass along some advice.

Don't get caught up in the pressure of feeling like you have to select your career and plan your life right now. Talk to your high school guidance counselor and find out what basic courses are required to get you into most American universities. Typically this includes a couple of foreign language credits, along with the appropriate amounts of math, science, and so on. As long as you have these credits under your belt, and you keep your grades up, you will have no problem getting into the college of your choice.

Perhaps in the next year you may discover what it is your would like to pursue, and if not, that's okay too. Some people take a year or two off between high school and college to get some work experience, save up some money, and decide what they would like to do. Other people simply enroll in general studies for their first couple of collegiate years, until they find something they would like to major in.

Your guidance counselor may also be able to help you in finding some sort of career assessment test, similar to the one your brother took.

Finally, when thinking about a career choice, consider your current hobbies and interests. You may be able to parlay the things that you like to do into a career. The most important thing is that you find something that makes you happy.

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